Part of everyday living is taking care of your bills. Water is no exception, and nowadays if you want a clean source of water you better make sure your bills are paid. How do you know how much you are consuming? How do you control your consumption? This is where your water meter comes in.
When you are buying a new house it is important to know all the ins and outs of your water meter. In this article we will be talking about what you as a homeowner needs to look at when anything concerning the meter comes forward.
Electric water valves, also referred to as Solenoid valves, these valves are electromagnetically operated and used in homes, machines, and in controlling piped equipment used in factories and industries. The valves work by responding to electrical signals, opening or closing to adjust the flow rate of gases and liquid being piped through the valve.
Water meters are commonly found outside, or in the basement along the front wall of the house. Although they may be inside, hidden by cabinets or enclosures built by the homeowners. In order to check if your water supply is working properly, and to control your consumption you will need to know how to read it. The meter reads in cubic meters (m3), or 1000 liter units, much like the odometer in your car telling you how many kilometers you have driven. You just need to find out how much your water provider charges per cubic meter and multiply that by how many cubic meters you have consumed. Meters are now in digital format, and this will make it easier for you to read. Also keep an eye on the flow indicator – a small spinning dial beside or below the meter reading – to make sure that water is flowing correctly.
Readings and your consumption are guaranteed to be significantly higher even if there is a small leak, so do not underestimate this. Up to 10% of your water may be wasted on meter leaks. The best thing to do if you see anything amiss is to call a plumber immediately. Never underestimate a small leak as it can cost hundreds of dollars if left unchecked.
An electric actuator controls the electronic valve. These valves are usually divided into two parts namely; the valve on the lower parts, and the electric actuator at the upper portion. As far as we know, the actuator is the primary constituent of an electric valve. The Electric actuator posses motors which are driven by an electrical current.
Ever wondered how your sprinkler system operates? You guessed an electrically controlled valve regulates the water pressure exerted by your sprinkler system. Most multinational industries also rely on electric valve system for most of its complex processes such as high-temperature regulation, radioactivity, and high pressure.
Electric valves also play a huge role in how machines function. It is used for rotary as well as linear functions to effectively control fluid flow, power motors, and other applications. Linear application use of electric valves in machines are seen in brakes, copiers, electric typewriters, etc. while the rotary application is found in defibrillators, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.
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